Please read the church bulletin and article below:

" I Must Preach The Good News Of The Kingdom Of God.… "

The following quotation is provided regarding the town of Capernaum, namely: " CAPERNAUM  (Ca pēr´ nā um; village of Nahum)  On the northwest shore of the Sea of Galilee about 2½ miles west of the entrance of the Jordan is located the New Testament town of Capernaum.  Capernaum appears in the Biblical record only in the Gospels where it is mentioned 16 times.  As an economic center in Galilee it was more significant than tradition has often allowed.  The designation ' city ' distinguishes it from the ' fishing village ' category.  Perhaps the proximity to a major east-west trade route explains the need for a customs station there.  The importance of the city is further demonstrated by the location of a military installation there under the command of a centurion.  Fishing and farming were important to the economy and archaeological evidence suggests that there were other light industries contrubuting to the local prosperity.  In the New Testament Capernaum was chosen as the base of operations by Jesus when He began His ministry.  Teaching in the synagogue (Mark 1:21) and private homes (Mark 2:1) was basic to His work there, but the miracles performed there appear to have precipitated the controversy and opposition.  The religious leadership challenged the direction of Jesus' ministry (Mark 2:24; 7:5) and the popular following attempted to take over and force Him into a political position (John 6:15).  Mark (2:1) referred to Capernaum as Jesus' home and Matthew (9:1) described it as ' his own city. '  It appears that several of the disciples also lived in that town including Peter, Andrew, Matthew, and perhaps John and James. "1  Jesus arose and left the synagogue in Capernaum, and entered Simon's house ( see Luke 4:38, for example ).  NOTE: The picture, located at the upper, left corner of this paragraph, was downloaded from the " " web page.2.

In John 3:16, 17, and 36, it is written, " 16 For h God so loved i the world,4 j that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not k perish but have eternal life.  17 For l God did not send his Son into the world m to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.…  36y Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; z whoever does not obey the Son shall not a see life, but the wrath of God remains on him. "  God sent His Son Jesus to preach the good news of the kingdom of God AND to be crucified, buried, and raised again the third day according to the Scriptures.  Those who believe the good news about the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ are baptized into Jesus' death ( see Acts 8:12 and Romans 6:1-4, for example ), which means that Jesus HAD to preach the good news of the kingdom of God, and be crucified, buried, and raised again the third day according to the Scriptures, so that sinners would know what the good news of the kingdom of God is, and what to do to be saved.

Some of the concepts in Jesus' teachings, how others responded to them, and how they apply to us, as Christians, today, are shown in Table 1, below:

Table 1: Some concepts in Jesus' teachings, how others responded to them, and how they apply to us, as Christians, today.

Concepts In Jesus' Teachings.
How Others Responded To Them.
How They Apply To Us, As Christians, Today.
Poor in spirit ( see Matthew 5:3, for example ).
The crowds were astonished at His teaching ( see Matthew 7:28, for example ).
Tremble at the LORD's word, for example ( see Isaiah 66:2, for example ).
Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head ( see Matthew 8:20, for example ).
One of His disciples wanted to first go and bury his father ( see Matthew 8:21, for example ).
This earth is not our home ( see 1 Peter 1:1, 2, for example ).
Jesus sleeps during a great storm on the sea ( see Matthew 8:22, 24, for example ).
His discples were afraid ( see Matthew 8:23, 26, for example ).
Our faith in God will calm us during the storms of life ( see also Matthew 6:30, for example ).
Jesus told the paralytic that his sins were forgiven ( see Matthew 9:1, 2, for example ).
Some of the scribes said to themselves that Jesus was blaspheming ( see Matthew 9:3, for example ).
Sometimes sinners call God's word ( see John 8:26, for example ) hate speech.
Jesus told the discples to give the great crowd something to eat ( see Matthew 14:13-21, for example ).
They all ate and were satisfied ( see Matthew 14:20, for example ).
Have compassion on those in need ( see Matthew 14:14, for example ).
Jesus called the Pharisees and scribes hypocrites for breaking the commandment of God for the sake of their tradition ( see Matthew 15:1-20, for example ).
The Pharisees were offended ( see Matthew 15:12, for example ).
Those who are offended at God's word, we are to let them alone ( see Matthew 15:14, for example ).

Please see Chart 1, below, concerning the number of opportunities Jesus had to teach in some of the New Testament books.

( † ) Chart 1: Number of opportunities Jesus had to teach in some of the New Testament books.

( † )  NOTE: The data points for this chart are not exhaustive.  They were taken from the fourth chapter of each of the New Testament books listed.

The late Albert Einstein's mathematical conclusion, concerning the Special Theory of Relativity, is given below, namely: \begin{equation}\tag{1} E = mc^{\hspace{0.1em}{2}}, \end{equation} where $ c $ is the speed of light.3  The value of the speed of light is given by equation ( 2 ), below, namely: \begin{equation}\tag{2} c = 3.0 × 10^{\hspace{0.1em}{8}}\hspace{0.2em}m/s. \end{equation} This constant can be found in various mathematics and science books.4  In John 8:12, it is written, " 12l Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, m ' I am the light of the world.  Whoever n follows me will not o walk in darkness, but will have the light of life. '"  God says that the speed of light is the time it takes to persuade a sinner ( see Matthew 26:36-46 ( especially verse 45, for example ), for example ) to follow Jesus ( see also 2 Corinthians 5:11, 14, and 15, for example ).  This concept is expressed in the following mathematical equation, namely: \begin{equation}\tag{3} Speed\_of\_light_\left\{{John\hspace{0.2em}8:12}\right\} = \frac {Persuade\hspace{0.2em}a\hspace{0.2em}sinner\hspace{0.2em}to\hspace{0.2em}follow\hspace{0.2em}Jesus}{Time\hspace{0.2em}to\hspace{0.2em}accomplish\hspace{0.2em}this\hspace{0.2em}task}. \end{equation} As Christians, we are members of the church of Christ ( see Acts, chapter 11 ( especially verse 26, for example ); Romans 12:1-8 ( especially verse 5, for example ); 16:16; and 1 Corinthians 12:12-31 ( especially verses 20 and 27, for example ), for example ) — not the Mormons, the church of Christ, Scientist, or any other religious denomination, party, or sect.  Jesus is the divine Evangelist; He is the truth ( see John 14:6, 15, for example ).  Please seek and read from the book of the LORD ( see Isaiah 34:16, for example ).

1.  HOLMAN BIBLE DICTIONARY, With summary definitions and explanatory articles on every Bible subject; introductions and teaching outlines for each Bible book; in-depth theological articles; plus internal maps, charts, illustrations, scale reconstruction drawings, archaeological photos, and atlas, GENERAL EDITOR: BUTLER, TRENT C., PH.D., HOLMAN BIBLE PUBLISHERS, NASHVILLE, TENNESSE, © Copyright 1991 Holman Bible Publishers, pp. 230-232.
2.  ⁠ KZiQAAAA& ga.jpg& 0&expw=440&q=free+pictures+of+capernaum+in+the+first+century+a.d.&simid=608001231776600754&FORM=IRPRST&ck=69DE5802D8B9BA8773B5D42BCF294287& selectedIndex=73&ajaxhist=0&ajaxserp=0.