Please read the church bulletin and article below:

" Do Your Best To Present Yourself To God As One Approved.… "

The following quotation is provided regarding Rome, namely: " ROME AND THE ROMAN EMPIRE.…  Galba, Otho, and Vitellius, three successive emperor-generals, died within the year of civil war (A.D. 68 – 69) that followed Nero's death.  Vitellius's successor was Vespasian, one of the commanders who had taken Britain for Claudius and who was in Judea squelching the first Jewish revolt.  He was declared emperor by the Syrian and Danube legions and returned to Rome to assume the post, leaving his son Titus to finish the destruction of Jerusalem with its holy Temple in the next year (A.D. 70).  This event was prophesied by Jesus toward the end of His life when He said: ' When you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then know that its desolation has come near ' (Luke 21:20 NRSV).  The aristocratic Julio-Claudian dynasties that had reigned until the death of Nero were happily replaced by the Flavian dynasty, which issued from the rural middle class of Italy and reflected a more modest and responsible approach to the use of power.  Vespasian's reign (A.D. 69 – 79) was succeeded by the by the brief tenure of his son Titus (A.D. 79 – 81), who at his death gave way to the rule of his brother Domitian (A.D. 81 – 96).  The fourth century historian Eusebius reported that the apostle John was exiled to Patmos (compare Rev. 1:9) in the reign of Domitian.  Eusebius also claimed that in Nerva's reign the senate took away Domitian's honors and freed exiles to return home, thus letting John return to Ephesus. "1  The book of Romans is listed first, in the books that Paul wrote to the places that he visited, because Rome was the capitol of the Roman Empire.  NOTE: The picture, located at the upper, left corner of this paragraph, was downloaded from the " " web page.2

The total number of books in the New Testament is twenty-seven.  The Old Testament apocryphal books are NOT inspired by God — for example, Jesus never quoted from them.  The New Testament apocryphal books are likewise NOT inspired by God — they were never included in any major New Testament canon, for example.3  

The Bible consists of sixty-six canonical books, Genesis through Revelation, which God calls the gospel message ( see Acts 15:1-21 ( especially verse 7, for example ) and Ephesians 1:1-14 ( especially verse 13, for example ), for example ).  The Bible teaches that there are times when the king will persecute the church ( see Acts 12:1-5, for example ).  God commands us, as Christians, to endure the persecution ( see 1 Corinthians 4:12, for example ).

Judgment day is coming ( see Hebrews 9:27, for example ).  How much time we spend studying the Bible will determine how prepared we will all be.  Please seek and read from the book of the LORD ( see Isaiah 34:16, for example ).

1.  HOLMAN BIBLE DICTIONARY, With summary definitions and explanatory articles on every Bible subject; introductions and teaching outlines for each Bible book; in-depth theological articles; plus internal maps, charts, illustrations, scale reconstrucion drawings, archaeological photos, and atlas, GENERAL EDITOR: BUTLER, TRENT C., PH.D., HOLMAN BIBLE PUBLISHERS, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE, © Copyright 1991 Holman Bible Publishers, pp. 1207, 1209.
2.  ⁠ HaEg& th%2fid%2fR.4103a06d36b951f139464de4478d6db0%3frik%3dscWVePL0NVQmBw%26pid%3dImgRaw%26r%3d0&exph=700&expw=1151&q=Free+Pictures+of+Rome+ in+the+First+century+A.D.&simid=608013828872562247&FORM=IRPRST&ck=BC95A1D84F3126FA04160B571397BA7A&selectedIndex=200&ajaxhist=0&ajaxserp=0.
3.  The NEW EVIDENCE THAT DEMANDS A VERDICT: Evidence I & II, THOMAS NELSON PUBLISHERS, Nashville, Copyright © 1999 by Josh D. McDowell, p. 25.