Please read the church bulletin and article below:

" So That You Also May Know How I Am.… "

The following quotation is provided regarding the city of Ephesus, namely: " EPHESUS  (Ĕph´ ē su̇s).…  Under the Romans, Ephesus thrived, reaching the pinnacle of its greatness during the first and second centuries of the Christian era.  At the time of Paul, Ephesus was probably the fourth largest city in the world, with a population estimated at 250,000.  During the reign of the emperor Hadrian, Ephesus was designated the capital of the Roman province of Asia.  The grandeur of the ancient city is evident in the remains uncovered by archaeologists, including the ruins of the Artemision, the civic agora, the temple of Domitian, gymnasiums, public baths, a theater with seating for 24,000, a library, and the commercial agora, as well as several streets and private residences.  Also discovered were the head and forearm of a colossal statue of the emperor Domitian.  Today the Turkish town of Seljuk occupies the site of ancient Ephesus.  See Asia Minor; Ephesians; Revelation, Book of; Timothy. "1  Additionally, the following quotation is provided concerning the book of Ephesians, namely: " EPHESIANS, BOOK OF  (E´ phē´ sians)  While it is not the longest of the Pauline Epistles, Ephesians is the one which best sets out the basic concepts of the Christian faith.  Paul and the Ephesians  Precise information on the introduction of Christianity to Ephesus is not avaiable.  From Acts 13:1 — 14:28 we know Christianity was introduced to the Asian peninsula early.  Paul and Barnabas, during the first missinoary journey about A.D. 45 –48, established Christianity in Cilicia, Pamphylia, and Phrygia.  The newly-established religion moved inevitably westward to the coast and to the flourishing city of Ephesus, a city of multiple religions, gods, and goddesses. "2  The book of Ephesians is one of Paul's prison epistles.  NOTE: The picture, located at the upper, left corner of this paragraph, was downloaded from the " " web page.3

In Ephesians 6:10, it is written, " 10 Finally, e be strong in the Lord and in f the strenght of his might. "  Paul used these words to encourage the brethren in Ephesus.  As Christians, members of the church of Christ, we will be grieved by various trials ( see 1 Peter 1:6, for example ).

Jesus ( see Matthew 10:5 ) also used words of encouragement.  In verse twenty-two, it is written, "' 22a and you will be hated by all for my name's sake.  b But the one who endures to the end will be saved. '"  The Bible teaches that we, as children of God ( see Galatians 3:26, 27, for example ), must be faithful to Him unto death ( see James 1:12 and Revelation 2:10, for example ).

Solomon ( see Ecclesiastes 1:1 ) wrote ( see 12:9, 10, for example ) that life without God is vanity ( see 1:2; 2:24, 25, for example ).  God commands us men ( see 1 Timothy 2:11, 12, for example ), who are full-time evangelists, to write words of truth.  Please seek and read from the book of the LORD ( see Isaiah 34:16, for example ).

1.  HOLMAN BIBLE DICTIONARY, With summary definitions and explanatory articles on every Bible subject; introductions and teaching outlines for each Bible book; in-depth theological articles; plus internal maps, charts, illustrations, scale reconstrucion drawings, archaeological photos, and atlas, GENERAL EDITOR: BUTLER, TRENT C., PH.D., HOLMAN BIBLE PUBLISHERS, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE, © Copyright 1991 Holman Bible Publishers, pp. 424, 425, and 428.
2.  Ibid., p. 422.
3.  ⁠ aE7& e+pictures+of+ephesus+during+the+first+century+a.d.&simid=608008902442185426&FORM=IRPRST&ck=024EF508C0645D6AF6AAA1E20AA3AEF9&selectedIndex=25&qpvt =free+pictures+of+ephesus+during+the+first+century+a.d.&ajaxhist=0&ajaxserp=0.